There are so many different names for different types of meat that it can be difficult to know what animal you are eating from.
In fact, sometimes, different types of meat come from the same animal.

Ham and pork are both made from pigs, but they have very different tastes and textures.
They are used to create a variety of dishes around the world. Ham is often cooked in a way that makes it more tender than pork.
How can meat from the same animal taste so different? You would think that they would taste very similar, but when it comes to ham and pork, this is not the case at all.
Ham and pork are very different in many ways, despite them coming from the same animal.
How could this be?
In this article, we will learn about how ham and pork differ, why they do, and how they are prepared differently. We will also find out which one is better for you.
So, let’s get into it.
Types Of Meat Taken From A Pig
Some forms of meat are named in a way that it is clear which animal they came from.
For example, lamb meat comes from lambs, and chicken meat comes from chickens. In these cases, it is easy to make the connection between the name and the animal.
However, there are other types of meat that don’t always have such an obvious connection.
The names given to the meat are sometimes due to the part of the body that was taken from the animal. For example, a rump steak is meat taken from the rump of a cow.
When it comes to pigs, there are many types of meat that are available. Some of them are named for the part of the pig that was taken from the pig, while others were simply cured or prepared in a way that gives them a specific flavor.
Here are some of the many cuts of meat that can be taken from a pig.
- Ham
- Shoulder
- Loin
- Belly
- Chops
- Spareribs
Aside from ham, the cuts of meat listed above are often paired with the word ‘pork’ when describing the type of meat.
Some of the names of these cuts of meat will make sense, such as pork belly: this cut is taken from the belly of a pig. Spareribs are taken from the meat around the rib cage of a pig.
What is the difference between ham and pork? Why are these cuts given different names, even though they come from the same animal?
Let’s look at each of these questions separately.
What Is Pork?
Pork is usually defined as any meat taken from the shoulder or loin area of a pig. This includes bacon, spare ribs, chops, and roasts.
The term ‘pork’ dates back to the Middle Ages, where it referred to anything that was taken from a pig. The word comes from the Latin word porcus, meaning “pig.”
This definition has been changing over time. Today, pork refers only to the meat that comes from the shoulder and loin areas of a pig.
Pork is, essentially, raw meat that is purchased to cook as a whole. This includes several parts of the pig that are carved off before cooking.
It is often sold pre-cooked by the butcher. When buying pork, you should ask your butcher if it is already cooked. If it isn’t, then you need to purchase it uncooked.
Pork is used to create several types of food, including sausages, bacon, and roasts.

What Is Ham?
Ham is a cured form of pig meat cut from the animal’s thighs. It is made by curing pork for several days. This process makes the meat more tender and helps preserve it.
The most common method of making ham is smoking. Smoking involves placing the meat in a smoker for several hours. During this time, smoke penetrates the meat, giving it a distinctive flavor.
Other methods include brining (curing) and dry salting. Brined hams take longer to cure than smoked hams, but they tend to have a stronger flavor.
Dry salted hams are also known as salt-cured hams. They are less expensive than smoked hams, and they have a milder flavor.
There are two main types of ham. These are fresh ham and dry-cured ham. Fresh ham is not cured, so it tends to be very lean.
Dry-cured ham is cured after being slaughtered. This means that it takes much longer to prepare.
Fresh ham is generally served on sandwiches. It can be sliced thin and eaten like bread. It can also be chopped up and added to salads.
Dry-cured ham is usually served in slices. It can be eaten plain, or it can be mixed into sauces and dressings.
Is Ham A Type Of Pork?
The answer is both ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
Ham is a specific type of processed pig meat, which can be considered to be a type of pork. Some people consider all forms of pork to be one type of meat.
Others believe that pork is just a general name for all types of meat from pigs.
However, ham and pork are often marketed as different types of meat. For example, some stores sell pork chops, while others sell ham steaks. In addition, many grocery stores sell pork sausage, while others sell ham sausage.
The most important thing to remember is that ham is a type of pork, but pork is not a type of ham. Ham comes from pork, which is the general name for pig meat.
But ham is not usually classed as a kind of pork and is often marketed as a separate product.
The Differences Between Ham And Pork
As we previously mentioned, ham is technically a type of pork. However, there are differences between the two products when they are sold at a supermarket.
Here are some of the key differences.
The Difference In Flavor
Ham tends to have a smoky flavor, especially when it has been smoked. This is because the meat is exposed to smoke during processing. It also tastes saltier than other kinds of pork.
Pork does not have a strong flavor. Instead, it tends to taste sweeter than ham. It also tends to have a slightly gamy flavor.
Depending on how both meats are cooked, these flavors may change. Of course, a cut of pork from your local butchers will taste saltier if it has been pre-seasoned, and it will taste sweeter if you cook it with sugar. The same goes for a cut of ham.
Overall, however, ham tends to hold a lot more flavor than pork.
The Difference In Texture
Ham tends to be firmer than pork. This makes it easier to slice and chop, and it also holds its shape better when it is cooked.

Pork tends to be softer than ham. It is easy to tear apart, and it breaks down easily when it is cooked.
However, this doesn’t mean that pork is always soft. It also doesn’t mean that all forms of ham are tough. Packets of sliced ham tend to be quite tender. Pork chops, on the other hand, can be quite tough.
The Difference In Appearance
Ham tends to look darker than pork. This is because it contains less fat, and it is processed differently. When viewed at a supermarket, the ham may appear to be a darker pink color.
Pork looks similar to ham, although it may be paler. However, this is often because pork is usually bought raw and uncooked, while ham is often sold cooked. When pork is cooked, it becomes a lot pinker.
The Difference In Nutrition
When it comes to nutrition, pork is generally healthier than ham. This is because it is lower in saturated fats and sodium, due to the way it is prepared.
In addition, pork is higher in protein than ham. This means that it provides more energy to your body.
It’s worth noting that both pork and ham are healthy when eaten in moderation, as long as they are not over-processed or overcooked.
However, in general, pork contains fewer calories than ham, as well as contains a lot more protein, vitamins, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamin B12.
Is Gammon A Type Of Ham Or Pork?
The answer is both.
As we previously mentioned, ham is a type of pork, but pork is not a type of ham. Gammon, when cooked, is often called ‘gammon ham’, as it is prepared in a similar way to ham.
It is either brined or cured before being cooked, giving it the same salty, smoky flavor as ham.
Gammon is, however, considered to be a cut of pork: it is taken from the hind leg of a pig.
This means that it is leaner than most cuts of ham, and it contains less fat and cholesterol. It also contains a lot more fiber, which helps keep you full longer after eating.
So, gammon is both a type of ham and pork.
Pork Vs. Ham: Why Does It Matter?
There are many reasons why people choose one meat over another.
For example, some people prefer the texture of pork, while others like the flavor of ham. Some people want their food to be low in fat and high in protein. Others just enjoy the variety of different types of foods available.
Some people will dislike the flavor of ham but will love to eat pork. While this seems strange, seeing as they are the same kind of meat, it is the preparation of these meats that make them taste so different.
Overall, there isn’t any reason why you should pick one over the other. They are both delicious and nutritious, and they are both good for you in moderation.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for an easy way to add some extra protein into your diet, then you might find that ham and pork are perfect choices.
They are both very versatile, and they are both great sources of protein. You don’t need to worry about selecting between them, as they can easily be combined to create meals that suit your needs. You can even use them interchangeably if you wish!
We hope our guide has helped you understand the difference between pork and ham.